Timing marks

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Timing marks

Post by Thicketmatt »

I'm having trouble deciphering the timing marks on my 93 cabby. I've done timing before on a rabbit I had years ago. Finding the 0TDC mark was easy, and the 6BTDC was quite visible. But I'm not sure about this cabby. Here are some screenshots that I hope are clear enough to view. this is what i see on the flywheel
I dont see a zero or dot - just the line. I'm thinking it may be the 0TDC mark as it lines up perfectly with the cam mark as seen below
And the rotor is showing roughly close to the mark on the distributor
But if it IS the zero mark, I don't see what I would use as my 6BTDC mark. The only thing to the left or right are the metal lugs that I think are only used with a special VW tool. I'm the only owner and this is the original engine. Any insight or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Matt
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Re: Timing marks

Post by Briano1234 »

Kammy has a good page on the timing and the various timing marks.

They all look good to me...

The dimple is on the back side of the Cam gear and should be equal to the top of the valve cover tin, not the re-bar.

The Dimple is on the 93's.

Ron, has a Static timing method for the Digifant that is great to use.

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Re: Timing marks

Post by kamzcab86 »

The notch in your flywheel is about where the O is on other flywheels, indicating the 0° mark:


Kind of odd there's no other mark on yours. If that is indeed 0°, then measure 12mm to the left (12mm = 6°).

Everything I read says the rotor should line up squarely with the distributor notch; true or not, don't know.
Briano1234 wrote:The dimple is on the back side of the Cam gear and should be equal to the top of the valve cover tin, not the re-bar.
Matt has a '93, so he should be using the OT marks on the cam gear and cover. :wink:
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Re: Timing marks

Post by Briano1234 »

kamzcab86 wrote:
Briano1234 wrote:The dimple is on the back side of the Cam gear and should be equal to the top of the valve cover tin, not the re-bar.
Matt has a '93, so he should be using the OT marks on the cam gear and cover. :wink:
You can use it but I find that the dimple on the back is easier to see than the 0tdc on the cover, besides if your cover is broke, then that cam cover mark can be off... I just use the dimple on the back of the cam... and Kam I have a 93, and a 92, and I do it the same on both... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Yes as matter of fact, I have the Luck o'the Irish...everything I touch turns to fertilizer of the bovine variety.
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Re: Timing marks

Post by kamzcab86 »

Ah, okay then! :mrgreen: Didn't realize the Digi's have a backside dimple too.

Using those OT marks seems a heck of a lot easier though... provided the car has 'em both.
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Re: Timing marks

Post by Thicketmatt »

Thanks again to both of you for your help. My two piece timing cover doesn't let you see the back side of the cam sprocket (unless you unbolt the separate piece attached to the valve cover.). For the life of me, I still can't figure out what happened to the 6BTDC mark. Using my super high tech wood dowel in cylinder 1 technique, it sure seems like the line on the flywheel matches up with TDC. I will use it as zero then use Kam's 12mm approximation for 6btdc.
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