Idle air screw

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Idle air screw

Post by Thicketmatt »

My 93 cabby is running well, but replacing my old vacuum lines as a precaution. I noticed the idle bypass screw on the back of the throttle will wiggle slightly and was wondering if this means I need to replace the o ring. If so, is it the same as for the cis engines? I saw them for sale on mk1 autohaus but it only mentions cis - not digifant. Also, my screw sticks a fair way out from the throttle body but all pics I've seen of the screw show it screwed almost flush. Are the digifant screws different as well? Thanks
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Re: Idle air screw

Post by Briano1234 »

Yes they are a tad longer.
If it can wiggle then the real question is can you turn it with your finger tips.
If you answered yes, then replace the o-ring.

You can go to Moogie, as he is a good guy, or, count the turns to remove it, write that number down.
Take the screw to a hardware store and get a new o-ring for less than a buck.

Replace the screw and screw back in the same number of turns that it took to take it out. 7mm bolt.

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