Exhaust woes

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Exhaust woes

Post by CR500Rider »

Discovered a crack in the exhaust manifold today. I'm trying to come up with a "bolt on" solution while also needing to replace the entire exhaust. I'm hoping I can go this route. Anyone know why this setup (1989) wouldn't work?

I'm having no luck in finding a good exhaust manifold. The Pacesetter header (part # 70-1099). $165 shipped.


Everything from the cat to the exhaust spout runs around $300 shipped.

1990 VW Cabriolet, 1.8L automatic.
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Re: Exhaust woes

Post by Briano1234 »

CR500Rider wrote: The Pacesetter header (part # 70-1099). $165 shipped.

When I bought one off of ebay... it was only 100 shipped Now if you live in a Emission Nazi state you have to have the cat, but if you don't then the Raceland SS one off of ebay eliminates the cat quite effectively.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/PaceSetter-70-1 ... 8f&vxp=mtr

Free shipping.

Wow some fool wants 650 for the header that I bought a year ago for 100..... Gee thanks....

You could do the Dual down / g60 for cheaper from a wrecking yard and some pipe.

Yes as matter of fact, I have the Luck o'the Irish...everything I touch turns to fertilizer of the bovine variety.
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Re: Exhaust woes

Post by CR500Rider »

Is this the Raceland header you're talking about? It's out of stock until the end of August. I didn't see any on Ebay. Harumph!

http://www.racelandus.com/exhaust-heade ... eader.html

I saw mostly Pacesetters and a brand called OBX Racing on Ebay. Here's the OBX setup for the 89' Cabby.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/OBX-Exhaust-Hea ... 64&vxp=mtr
1990 VW Cabriolet, 1.8L automatic.
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Re: Exhaust woes

Post by Briano1234 »

Yep, those are the same ones... Pricey.....glad i bought mine when I did.

Yes as matter of fact, I have the Luck o'the Irish...everything I touch turns to fertilizer of the bovine variety.
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Re: Exhaust woes

Post by CR500Rider »

And you think YOU have the luck of the Irish? :banghead: In Texas they're supposed to check for catalytic converters but I've never seen one do it. Personally, I don't mind having the cat on the car. If I do I never have to worry about it being a legal issue. I don't have a pipe bender nor a desire to own one and I won't know how anything lines up with the 90' exhaust until it's on the car. This is why I'm trying to convert the 90' to the 89' and earlier style (from the cat to the muffler). It seems like it should be a bolt on system with the 89' and earlier headers that are available.
1990 VW Cabriolet, 1.8L automatic.
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