Want to share info about things other then cabriolets? Post it here

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Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:48 pm
What year is your cabby?: 1984


Post by tommy88 »

hi guys,,.,.nice to see a such a you know sopicticated community...well as you know that i am pet lover wait..wait.but how can you know cz i am new here..haha.just chiling...and also do some art work as well like just for my pets likedog portraits..hope you hate it...cz its not very good..nw the puprose of joiing and
starting this new thread is ..i need some rabbiots..actually i am going to make a big big cage for them..so wana to know that there is a need of cage or they will easily feel ok in my lawn???and there is need of special care like my cats or dogs??? and whats there feed??i wana this expention just cz they are you know looking so sweet in white color and is there any type of them also???...dn`t hav enough knowledge regarding speacial types...so may be you wil help me..
well sorry i think so its something like motor car site..but its name shows that people are discussing something about pets...thats why i am here...and also in off topic corner..hope you will forgiv me
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Joined: Thu Aug 29, 2002 4:11 pm
What year is your cabby?: 1989
Location: Cartersville, Ga


Post by kuklaki »

Oddly enough you just might get an answer to your question. Brian keeps rabbits-the real kind with the long ears, not the car kind. Well, actually he has both, but that is not the point.
I'm sure he will chime in once he finds your post 8)

I had them when I was a little girl, and can tell you that they need a proper enclosure to protect them from the elements, keep out preditors and keep them in-the little buggers burrow, you know. And their diet has to be balanced-not just lawn grass. I think that is what you asking. They need fruits and veggies and other things. Wild ones love our clover patches.

Anyways....paging Brian for the rest of the info.
2nd 89 Cabriolet 8v (Crabby Cabby)
01 Jetta GLX (bun warmer)
87 Scirocco 16v (TWINS!)
71 Karmann Ghia (air sucker)
03 New Beetle turbo S (black widow)
01 Suzuki SV650 (go nekkid)
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Whats that smell?
Posts: 4105
Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2005 5:45 am
What year is your cabby?: 1992
Do you own a Cabriolet?: No
Location: Duluth, Ga


Post by Briano1234 »

Well Rabbits are friendly little fellers...

And I wouldn't let them in your yard at all, rabbirts by nature are burrowing critters.... then other things can get them like mean assed cats and dogs.

Special care.... yep, they need love and attention, and a safe place they can call their own....
They can be litter trained, and do tricks. You have to keep electrical cords off the floor.


His cage is 4'X12' amd it is 32 inches high. He had a issue with jumping on the wall and bouncing over the fence to get out of his cage... so that is why there is a top on it.... His cage and polypropylene sheeting under 3 sections of plywood, then we top it with pine chips.... DO NOT USE CEDAR.... Cedar hurts the bunnies liver..........

Here is how big we was when he came to us...Now He can barely fit into that cage.


He mugs for the camera



He had a room mate, but the room mate has since been adopted.....
He gets a diet of 4 fresh carrots a day with about 1/2 cup of rabbit pellets, fresh red leaf and romaine lettuce.. I serving.
He also gets his litter box cleaned one a week.
He gets to come inside when it gets 25 and colder, other wise he stays in his cage...he has his fav-o-rite toys, soft balls that he lays on rolls around like they are real...takes them from the food tray to the water bottle to the litterbox, then he chases them....
It is too funny. He has a plastic box filled with Timothy Hay to hide in....During the summer, I have a fan that blows on him..
Such is the life of Riley.

Yes as matter of fact, I have the Luck o'the Irish...everything I touch turns to fertilizer of the bovine variety.
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